Street Workout

"I am not a Runner" "I could only run 20 or 50 meters" "Struggling with whether I'm enough to do it"

Our run club "I am not a Runner" gives to every member the opportunity to believe they can do it and start run with someone. We run head first into the challenge of conquering self-doubt and striving for the seemingly unattainable. As a beginner, our running club can also help you stay consistent with your trainings. As more advance runner we challenge you with specialized training programs.

Not a Runner

With guidance every step of the way, we overcome fatigue and doubt. We start from Fokianos gym and plan specific routes through Zappeion and the National Garden especially for those of you who don’t feel like runners.


MoRe for Mobility and Recovery. A vital Training to you who want to run and live a high performance life. Reboot your body with mobility, stretching and self-massage techniques.